Sunday, May 8, 2011

First Aid VI

6.Asthma attacks cause the muscles of the air passages to go into the spasm,making it very difficult for the asthmatic to breathe,particularly to exhale.Attacks may be triggered by an allergy or by stress.
     An asthma attack should not be underestimated.While the preventive treatments are very effective,and the drugs to releive attacks usually work very well,left untreated,a serious attack can be fatal.The strain of a serious asthma attack can cause the breathing to stop or the heart to cease beating.You should be prepared to resuscitate.
a.Reassure the victim as this will have a positive effect on his breathing.
b.Help the victim into a sitting position,leaning slightly forward,as most people with asthma find this an easier position for breathing.
c.If the victim has medication,enable him to use it.Inhalers are the main form of treatment.

Signs and Symptoms:
-History of the conditon(although some people may not realize that they are asthmatic and the first attack may be a very severe one)
-Difficulty in breathing,particularly breathing out
-Wheezing or otherwise noisy breathing
-Inability to speak
-Pale skin and potential blueness,particularly around the lips,caused by lack of oxygen
-Distress,dizziness,and confusion as it becomes harder to get oxygen into the body
-Unconsciousness and then breathing stopping

photo of asthma sufferer
asthmatic patient