Friday, May 6, 2011

first aid IV

4. "Shock"
        -a physical condition that results from a loss of circulating body fluids that leads to a drop in blood pressure.
Potential Causes of Shock:
  ☺severe internal or external bleeding.
  ☺severe vomiting,especially in children and elderly
  ☺persons w/ heart problems


Signs and Symptoms
  ☺pale,cold and clammy skin
  ☺fast,weak pulse
  ☺fast,shallow breathing
  ☺dizziness and weakness
  ☺breathing and heartbeat stopping

  ☺Warmth-wrap blankets and coats around her,paying particularly attention to the head,through which much body heat is lost.
  ☺Air-maintain a careful eye on the victim's airway and be prepared to turn her  into the recovery positions necessary,or even resuscitate if  breathing stops.try to keep back bystanders and  loosen tight clothing to allow maximum air to the  victim.
  ☺Rest-keep the victim still and preferably sitting or lying  down with her  legs raised to ensure that the  maximum blood and therefore maximum oxygen is sent to the  brain.
  ☺Mental Rest-reassure the  victim but keep your comments realistic.Do not say that everything is going to be  fine when it is  obvious that there is something seriously wrong.Let  the victim know that everything that can be  done is being done and that help has been called for.If she has other concerns,try to resolve these. 
  ☺Treatment-treat the cause of the shock and aim to prevent further fluid loss.
 Help-ensure that appropriate medical help is on the way.