Wednesday, May 11, 2011

first aid IX

9.Epilepsy-is a very common,best described as a rogue electrical discharge across the brain.As the body's functions are controlled by electrical impulses this discharge can lead to a number of physical reactions.Many things may start a seizure:tiredness,stress or flashing lights are common triggers.

Major Seizure
 -this is what most people would recognize as epilepsy,and there are typically 4 stages:
1.Many people get a sense  that a seizure is likely occur.
2.The electrical impulses lead to a contraction in the muscles that causes the epilepsy sufferer to fall to the ground with a cry.This is known as the tonic phase.The victim's muscles may then go into spasm.This is known as the clonic stage.During this stage the victim will not be breathing.
3.When the convulsion is over,the victim will be in a state of unconsciousness.
4.On recovery from unconsciousness,the victim will be very sleepy and will want to rest for some time.

Treatment for Major Epileptic Seizure

1.During the seizure,do not try to restrain the person.The muscular contractions are so strong during a fit that holding a person down may lead to broken bones(yours and his).Do not attempt to put anything in the mouth.Try to protect the victim(move sharp objects out of the way,remove constrictions and,if possible,place a soft coat under the head)

                                     Do Not
2.Once the seizure has finished,check the victim's airway and breathing and be prepared to resuscitate in the unlikely event that this is necessary.Place the person in the recovery position.
3.When the victim comes round,offer reassurance.The person may have lost control of bowel or bladder function so cover him up and,when he is steady on his feet,help him to find somewhere to clean up.He is likely to be very tired,so,if possible,find him somewhere to lie down and sleep.Most of all ask him hat he wants to do(most epileptics manage the condition very well and will have their own coping strategies..
                                               Care and Treatment for Epileptic patient